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Calibration standards


Standard with shapes of sessile and pendant drops for the Young-Laplace method

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The drop shape standard CP71/CP71C contains an arrangement of shapes printed on one slide which accurately follow the theoretical drop shape according to Young-Laplace. Having all required drop shapes on one standard makes the calibration procedure especially easy and also allows carrying out automated calibrations.


The standard is used to calibrate the Young-Laplace method for measuring the contact angle and the surface tension. Shapes with contact angles of 30°, 60°, 100°, and 120° (standard optics) respectively 30°, 60°, and 120° (microscope optics) deviate by max. 0.05° (standard optics) from the nominal value. Equally precise are two shapes of pendant drops with nominal surface tension values of 30 mN/m and 50 mN/m with a maximum deviation of 0.1 mN/m. To support you in accurately aligning the slide to the camera, cross-wires are printed onto it on both sides.


The CP71C type of the standard additionally includes a certificate which confirms the high accuracy of the print.

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