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Syringes, needles, cuvettes


Glass cuvettes for pendant drop and contact angle measurement in liquid

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The SC01 and SC02 glass cuvettes accommodate the bulk phase when measuring the interfacial tension using the Pendant Drop method. When measuring surface tension, the cuvettes screen the dosed drop against air currents. With the smaller cuvette SC01, this is also ensured by an additional cover which additionally prevents the drop evaporating. The smaller cuvette SC01 can be used when taking measurements in a temperature control chamber for measuring interfacial tension as a function of temperature.


Because of its larger design, the SC02 is particularly suitable for measuring the contact angle in the bulk liquid. Both cuvettes are made of high-quality optical glass. As a result, drops are displayed without distortion, thus guaranteeing an accurate analysis of the drop shape.


Overview of both products:


  • SC01: Cuvette with inner dimensions 20 × 20 × 24 mm (W × D × H), with cover, can be used in temperature control chambers
  • SC02: Cuvette with inner dimensions 36 × 36 × 30 mm, particularly suitable for measuring the contact angle in the bulk liquid.
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