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KRÜSS launches new website

Engaging, content-rich relaunch with optimized mobile use and diverse navigation aids for newcomers to interfacial analysis

KRÜSS completely renewed the company's website in a relaunch. Fresh content is now even more accessible whether at the office or mobile. Moreover, the focus is on a solution-oriented approach that makes navigation easier, especially for non-expert visitors.

Users are sometimes initially unaware that a certain behavior of their product could be related to interfacial chemistry. For example, visitors who want to remedy the lack of long-term adhesion of a coating or the formation of lumps in a dispersion are not necessarily familiar with the relevant contact angle measurement techniques. It is much more obvious to look for a solution that starts directly from the problem.


With the new website, KRÜSS puts this entry option in the foreground. Visitors select their material and/or their process and the website offers purposeful information from the customer-focused site: use cases, application reports, videos, products, background knowledge, and more. In addition, there is still a classic menu navigation, which quickly provides orientation with a clear structure and a variety of functions such as filters, bookmarks, or a comparison of selected products.

The new KRÜSS website was created in cooperation with the Hamburg agency Elbkapitäne and is available at kruss-scientific.com in English, German, and Chinese.

Direct access to the Explore area of the KRÜSS website for targeted searches or surfing

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