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A reliable method for monitoring the aging and performance of cooling liquids used in machining processes

Microbubbles and foaming behavior of fresh and used cooling liquids

In many areas of industrial manufacturing, cooling liquids are essential to ensure the machining process, the quality of produced parts, and the lifetime of machines. Among other things, those liquids are designed to have maximum air release properties and minimum foamability. However, during usage such liquids are subject to change, resulting in a reduced cooling efficiency. Our costumer wanted to monitor this behavior in order to optimize grinding processes at a large manufacturing site.


After a series of attempts to differentiate between fresh and used cooling oil based on typical standard chemical lab characterizations and manual foam tests, our costumer contacted us for further consulting and support on this project. The application report presented here contains a foam study on fresh and used samples of two different cooling liquids, carried out at the KRÜSS Applications & Science Labs. We found a measurement procedure which finally facilitated a reliable and highly reproducible monitoring of the change of such cooling liquids.

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