About us
Though this is more about surface science
Our mission is to make surface science big
We believe that interfacial chemistry has only scratched the surface
The surface of a material is all you can see and touch. It is the place where materials interact with their environment, and often also their most vulnerable part. Even if you think that something is happening inside, like emulsifying or foam formation, it is very likely that it is actually a game between surfaces. By rights, surface science should be one of the most important branches of research.
Since KRÜSS began dedicating knowledge and engineering skills to developing instruments, the importance of surface science has increased enormously. We are proud to say that we not only followed this trend but are also a driving force behind it. But still we think that this is only the beginning. Our team of specialists is preparing for a future where interfacial analysis is part of the daily routine in almost every lab in R&D as well as quality control.
KRÜSS in numbers
Because science deals with facts
7500 +
Loyal customers
Many of our customers give us the greatest compliment there is: they come back again and again.
30000 +
Publications with our instruments
Supporting scientists is the most direct way to promote science.
5000 +
Measurements on demand
What we obtain is just data. What we deliver is a problem solved.
2000 +
Satisfied seminar guests
Our customers are aleady experts in their field. Adding our specialized know-how leads to the best results.
Measurement methods
When you start exploring interfaces, you will soon want to know more – and need more methods.
220 +
Years of instrument development
Since we started with nautic instruments in 1796, we haven’t left the surface.
Always close to you
We would like to meet you wherever you are
We are educated in the science of making things easy
Science is complex, but its tools should be as simple as possible. In order to make interfacial analysis available to a diverse range of users and applications, we build high-end instruments that apply proven scientific methods with maximum ease of use. With automated technology, we create devices that offer great versatility while keeping necessary user intervention to a minimum – sometimes to as little as a single click. Our solutions incorporate the know-how of our application experts, who work closely with research and development engineers as well as quality managers across multiple industries.