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Bubble Pressure Tensiometer

BPT Mobile

Mobile quality control for cleaning and coating baths

Bubble Pressure Tensiometer – BPT Mobile for monitoring surfactant content in cleaning and coating

Immerse – click – read: Capture the surfactant concentration of your bath within seconds using surface tension (SFT) with the BPT Mobile Bubble Pressure Tensiometer. The quality inspector using it knows immediately if the bath is okay thanks to an ad-hoc evaluation. Moreover, for proactive adjustment of the bath, the BPT Mobile shows how the surfactant content decreases over time.


  • Detergent concentration in cleaning baths, e.g. before coating or bonding

  • Wetting agent concentration in electroplating baths

  • Monitoring the content of acid mist mitigating agents in electrolyte baths

  • Quality check of other coating baths, e.g. for solar cells

  • Monitoring of etching baths, e.g. for circuit boards

Measuring methods

  • Dynamic surface tension using the Laplace pressure of a gas bubble at a capillary in a liquid

Measuring results

  • Surfactant concentration

  • Dynamic surface tension at a defined surface age, as a one-point measurement or time-dependent

  • Dynamic surface tension over a surface age range

  • Temperature of the tested liquid

Easy bath control within seconds

See how fast and convenient it is to capture the cleaner or wetting agent content of your bath with the BPT Mobile Bubble Pressure Tensiometer.

Includes all software it needs

The BPT Mobile works independently from a computer or the power grid and is simply recharged via USB. Up to 20 million results find room in a clear folder structure. The display shows all necessary graphical representations and makes evaluation in other software obsolete – yet possible thanks to a fast data export to Excel.


Bubble Pressure Tensiometer – BPT Mobile for monitoring surfactant content in cleaning and coating

Three measuring modes for every QC task

  • With just a click, a Monitoring measurement gives a quick result for the regular quality check and evaluates it using pre-defined quality limits. Charts of previous results, even independently for several baths, help to estimate when the content will leave the quality range so you can intervene in time.
  • Measurements in the Continuous mode record a live value over time. When adding the active substance you instantly see the effect and know exactly when to stop.
  • The Dynamic mode is designed for setting up the quality process. The instrument calculates the relation between concentration and SFT and also finds the optimum bubble formation rate (surface age) for the subsequent monitoring measurements.

Bubble Pressure Tensiometer – BPT Mobile for monitoring surfactant content in cleaning and coating

Quality at a touch

With the intuitive touch display, working with the BPT Mobile is almost like doing quality tests with a smartphone. Thanks to the large display, it is easy to tap the functions error-free – even while wearing lab gloves. Quality control is user independent due to programmed measurement templates as well as the instrument's insensitivity to changing immersion depths.

Don’t bother with subsequent cleaning

We have replaced costly, high-maintenance permanent capillaries that are customary for the bubble pressure technique with disposable ones. Inserting and ejecting them is a matter of seconds, cleaning them a matter of the past. The temperature sensor, which is read for each measured value, can also be quickly removed when testing soiling or corrosive solutions

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