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Characterizing particle size of filler materials quickly and easily

Sedimentation measurements on calcium carbonate powders with a tensiometer

Finely dispersed, inorganic filler materials are frequently used to optimize the mechanical and physical properties of materials. As well as the wetting behavior of such particles, which can be investigated by means of Washburn measurements, their size distribution also plays an important role in the quality of the end product. In the case described here, using Washburn measurements, one of our customers was unable to establish small differences between various calcium carbonate samples, which may have explained the different behavior of the powders in the production process. In our application lab, we carried out sedimentation measurements on various batches of these powders in isopropanol and observed differences in their sedimentation behavior.


Based on a simple model, we have been able to draw conclusions from the measured graphs relating to the particle size distribution in the samples, and, at the same time, differentiate particularly between monodisperse and polydisperse samples. Accordingly, a sedimentary measurement enables the particle morphology to be investigated quickly and easily and can be carried out in addition to wetting analysis with one and the same measuring instrument, our Force Tensiometer – K100.

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